Technology Based Real Estate Brokerage Envirian is a technology company that sells real estate, not a real estate company employing technology. This distinction is not an
insignificant one. Rather than trying to apply technological solutions to the business of real estate, we have crafted a comprehensive and coherent set of technologies that enable both brokers and agents
to conduct more business, stay in touch with each other and with clients and manage the process of real estate sales. This fully integrated system replaces the glued together approach taken by existing
brokerages. The result is a system that is easily mastered and one that assists while not interfering with the process. Envirian holds copyrights, trademarks and patents for much of this leading edge
platform. From top position lead procurement to almost instantaneous lead delivery to transaction management and after sale client services, the Envirian system revolutionizes the real estate practice
without creating a revolution among the broker’s agents.
100 Company Leads Per Agent Per Year We, at Envirian, believe that real estate agents become real estate agents primarily because they love
people contact and real estate. They are after all salespeople. What they are not are marketing experts. While sales gets you out of the office, marketing is a desk duty of monumental proportions. While sales
requires eye-to-eye personal involvement, marketing activities are largely a single person with many envelopes type of environment. We believe that to place the words “sales” and “marketing” in
the same sentence is like asking a monk to cohabitate with a gospel singer. Envirian solves this dilemma by allowing agents to do what they do best... Sell homes, while the firm does the marketing and produces
the clients. You end up with many more sales and a much happier sales force. In turn this “everyone gets the same number of leads” democracy allows agents to like those around them, who in other companies are
their competition.

70/30 Commission Splits For Most Agents If you have ever watched the behavior of agents at a monthly sales meeting, you observe several things: The agents who receive the various
awards are most often the same agents who received them the month before and the month before that. In addition the “other” agents in the room have expressions that do not carry congratulations, but rather envy,
jealousy and in too many cases personal distaste. At Envirian we recognize that the effort of selling real estate is the same for all agents and reward financially on that basis. We are often asked how we can
retain 70/30 split agents when their sales figures would land them more take home in 100% programs? The answer is there are no real 100% programs! The best so called 100% programs are actually 85/15 splits when
all the fees are finally accounted for. Additionally, the Envirian agent knows (not hopes, but actually knows) that they will more than make up the difference from the guaranteed 100 leads/year that every Envirian
agent can count on. This same split for all agents commission program is a fundamental building block of Envirian’s corporate culture, a culture that breeds collaboration, not competition.
No Referral Fees On Company Leads Examine what happens in the typical real estate firm when a lead is finally provided to a salesperson. In the
typical firm the referring party (most usually a national referral firm or the firms own web site) extracts about 35% of the commission, up front for the referral. Of the remaining 65%, the firm then takes as much
as 50% for itself (kind of reminds you of the federal tax system, doesn’t it). After all is said and done this leaves the agent with about 32.5% of the original commission (before deducting their own sales related
expenses) and 100% of the responsibilities. Perhaps this explains why agents do so poorly with referrals! At Envirian the company referral is going to yield exactly the same commission outcome as the agents personal
business and low and behold they look forward to referrals.

Corporate Culture Breeds Collaboration When agents are remunerated the same as each other; and when agents receive the same flow of company generated business; and when referrals are a
positive source of business; a very wonderful thing happens. Agents begin to collaborate rather than to compete. The goals of the corporation more easily become the goals of the sales force, because the sales force can
now attend to competing with other firms instead of wasting time, energy and good will competing with each other! Envirian may be the first national firm to have truly understand that the concept of “Gestalt” (the
outcome of a healthy firm can and should exceed the total of it's workforce when viewed simply as individuals). At the same time, the basic principles on which the Envirian model is based seek to bring out the most
complete personal development of each member of the firm. We hold that individuality and group cohesion are not conflicting goals!
Company Assisted Vacations & Coverages
Agents are people and like other “normal” people they need time out. Time to make up for lost hours and lost contact with family and friends and even with the inner self. Envirian believes that commission sales breed a
level of tension not helpful to the agent nor the firm. Tension from trying to get a bit more financial security; tension from concerns over fluctuating markets and seasonal effects; tension from the concerns felt by
many self employed. Envirian proposes to do something unusual about these sources of tension; we propose to help attenuate them, while understanding that we cannot entirely eliminate them. For this reason, it is
corporate policy at both the franchise and national level to assist with agents having time out and more specifically with assisting with vacation periods. We at Envirian have also observed that when agents and their
families vacation together, they not only work better when they return, but gain significantly increased support from their families. This too enhances the corporate culture of collaboration instead of competition.